Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week one

I purchased a product call Mass peek, which is one of the most expensive muscle mass building products in GNC today. This product so far taste great and it has no banned chemicals in it so I guess you get what you pay for . I mix it with ice cream and peanut butter to make the taste even better.So far week one has been crazy I tried to keep up with my diet and remember to drink my mass peak before bed which is when your body burns the most calories. At 900 calories before the ice cream and peanut butter it should last me through the night No matter how busy you get try to eat all through the day .

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Building muscle mass intro

Hi this is my introduction to Muscle mass building for the average Joe , On this site their will be free tip's and other helpful videos and sites I will be the guinea pig for this experiment. On the top you see is a picture of me Starting out , I am 5'9 and I currently weight one fifty . Every week I will leave up dates and I will as have a e book and blogs to help you along the way . I will notify you of every thing I am doing how curtain products make me feel , and all the the ups and downs on my journey to improving me .